SEO For Interior Designers: Why You Need a Blog

SEO For Interior Designers: Why You Need a Blog

Did you know that blogging is an incredibly important part of ongoing SEO for your interior design business? In fact, it’s one of the most impactful tools for getting discovered by your ideal clients that we use as part of a robust SEO strategy for our interior design clients.

Interior design is an ever-growing field, and people’s choices for their homes have changed drastically over the years. Between online shopping, cozy home deliveries, and the ability to make your home look like it came straight from a magazine, there never seems to be a lack of choice (or opportunity) in the world of interior design.

However, with the increasing competition in the market, your brand needs to stand out in many different ways.  Not sure how to make your interior design business different from the rest? (Positioning is key.) Keep reading to learn why blog posts are crucial for your interior design business.

What Is SEO?

Before diving in, it’s important to understand the definition of SEO. SEO is short for search engine optimization.

When you’re searching for things on the Googles, the words that you are typing are known as keywords. Based on what you entered, Google will try to provide you with the best websites that fit your search on the SERP – search engine results page. These websites will have similar, (if not the same), search terms that you typed in. 

SEO is an excellent way to receive organic (free) traffic to your site. While it takes time (sometimes a long time) to build, it’ll provide you with a long-term traffic source and is vital for your design business. Don’t overlook it.

Blog posts are an excellent way to build and increase your SEO since you can sprinkle keywords into your posts. Think about what your ideal client will type into Google, Bing, etc., for them to land on your post and find the services you are providing.

Through keyword research, you can find less competitive keywords that have higher searches. Increase traffic and potentially increase your customer base too! Google Ads has a free keyword tool you can use to boot your SEO for your interior design business.

Be sure to post fresh content since that’s important to Google. You can also update older blog posts too. We recommend at least one, 1500 word blog post a month.

Through your business blog, you can explain your process. Clients can understand what it looks like to work with you and how you are different from other firms.

Explain how your process is different from the competition. Go over pain points that you could and will solve for them. 

1. Share Your Style

Let clients see your personal brand and style. Include images, links to previous work, etc. Let them know what it looks like to work with you so they can envision themselves doing so. 

A blog should show off your company’s unique voice and personality to reach your ideal interior design clients.

It can also be a powerful marketing tool for your interior design company. When you’re ready to get started blogging create an outline of topic ideas to arrange into a content calendar to match the seasons.

2. Attract Your Ideal Client

Think about your ideal client as you come up with your interior design firm’s blog. What will their style be and what will appeal to them? Who do you WANT to work with?

Consider their age, income, interests, and other factors about them.

3. Increase Revenue

You’re attracting free traffic from search engines and potentially increasing sales. Someone might happen upon your page and decide that they need an interior designer.

Or, they might be searching for one in the area, and yours comes up! If they like your designs, then it’s a win-win.

At the end of each post, ensure that you have what’s known as a CTA (call-to-action). The call-to-action is what encourages your client to perform an action, whether it’s buying your service, contacting you, etc. When you provide them with meaningful content, they’re more likely to reach out. 

4. Land Freelance Writing Gigs

You might be able to land freelance writing gigs through your blog. If you don’t mind writing, companies are looking for experts in various fields and will pay well for your knowledge. 

Have multiple streams of income, become more comfortable in blogging, and earn extra money. 

5. Increase Your Mailing List

If you don’t have a mailing list, you’ll want to change that right away! Your mailing list is filled with people who are interested in what you have to say. 

It’s an excellent way to turn a cold lead into a client. When they continue receiving your emails over time and become familiar with you, they’re more likely to reach out.

A mailing list is also an affordable way to keep in touch with your clients. You could also reach out to previous clients and give them coupons or other enticing offers to consider your services again. 

6. Be an Expert in Your Niche

If you’re an interior designer with a specific niche, you’ll be able to show that you’re an expert in the field. Take a look at competitors and see what tone of voice they’re using, and show that this is your passion. 

Have fun with it, make jokes, but show professionalism. While in the beginning, you might not see a difference, continuing on this pattern could increase success. Use the competition as inspiration for what you can talk about, but never copy them. 

Think about your niche, what you’re best at in interior design, and how you can make that shine. Make it your focus in your blog posts. 

Find other bloggers in your niche and share inspiration and knowledge with each other. 

Be you and be consistent with your posts. You’ll want your brand voice to stay the same. Remember that you’ll want clients to know what to expect. 

Don’t be a salesperson either. Keep it informational, solve pain points, and answer questions. 

7. Come Up With Blog Post Ideas

Remember that your blog posts should be a way to showcase your work and prove to the client why you’re the best fit. Blog about what designs and products you like and recommend. 

Include images of designs that you’ve done or that you find inspirational. Speak about your last project and what you achieved for the client. Don’t forget to provide glowing reviews! 

Some great blog post ideas include: 

  1. Seasonal
  2. Comparisons
  3. Lifestyle
  4. Color schemes
  5. Ideas and inspiration
  6. Trends
  7. Best of 
  8. And others

How-to guides are a great way to show that you’re an expert in your field. When someone is looking online for the solution to their question, and you provide it, they’re more likely to be interested in what you have to say. 

Some clients will need to check out your blog posts a few times before they consider you. You might receive some clients who didn’t realize that they needed an interior designer until now. 

Blogging tips: 

  1. Provide value for your ideal client
  2. Make your writing enjoyable for others to read
  3. Post regularly 
  4. Keep a neat and easy to read website

How Blog Posts Can Help Your Interior Design Business Succeed

After exploring this guide, you should have a better idea about the benefits of blog posts for your interior design company. Blog posts are crucial for any business and can help you stand out from the crowd! 

Are you dreaming of increasing your reach online and having a steady stream of customers? We can help.

Contact us today, and we’ll come up with a custom strategy that meets your needs. We’ll also answer any questions that you might have along the way.

Wingnut Social is owned by an interior designer who knows the ins and outs of the profession. For more business tips for interior designers, check out our podcast!

modern living room with a yellow armchair. Scandinavian interior design furniture. 3d render illustration
Comments (18)
  • vividkreations
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  • Eugene
    | 9 December 2023

    Blogging is an essential tool for SEO and client engagement in the interior design business. It serves as a platform to showcase your unique style, attract your ideal clients, and establish your authority in the niche. By incorporating relevant keywords and producing quality content, you can enhance your website’s visibility and attract organic traffic.

    It’s important to regularly update your blog with fresh, relevant content that appeals to your target audience. Topics can range from seasonal trends, lifestyle tips, color schemes, to detailed how-to guides. Engaging and informative posts not only demonstrate your expertise but also help in building a relationship with potential clients.

    Remember, each blog post should include a clear call-to-action (CTA), guiding readers towards engaging with your services. This strategy not only boosts your online presence but also contributes to the growth of your business. For comprehensive solutions in residential design and construction, exploring services like [Big Hills Construction]( could provide valuable insights and expertise.

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  • Interiors By Francesca
    | 5 January 2024

    I used to be skeptical about blogging for my interior design business, but after I started consistently publishing SEO-optimized posts, I saw a dramatic increase in website traffic and inquiries. My most popular post, ‘5 Affordable Design Hacks for Small Apartments,’ even landed me a feature in a local magazine! Now, I’m a true believer in the power of blogging for interior designers.

  • Rao
    | 21 March 2024

    This article highlights the significance of blog posts for interior design businesses, emphasizing their role in building credibility, attracting clients, and showcasing expertise. It’s a compelling read for design professionals looking to leverage the power of content marketing to grow their businesses. Thanks for underscoring the importance of blogging in the design industry!

  • favue01
    | 31 March 2024

    Your trust and collaboration have been invaluable in bringing this project to life. We’re grateful for the chance to contribute to creating environments that inspire and uplift. Thank you for allowing us to share our passion for design and for entrusting us with the transformation of your space.

  • oliver
    | 18 April 2024

    Thank you for this insightful article on the importance of SEO for interior designers, particularly the emphasis on maintaining a blog. Your comprehensive breakdown of the benefits, from increased visibility to establishing authority in the field, highlights just how crucial it is for designers to harness the power of SEO. Your clear and actionable tips offer valuable guidance for both novice and seasoned designers alike. As someone passionate about both interior design and digital marketing, I truly appreciate the wealth of knowledge you’ve shared here. It’s evident that you understand the intersection of design and technology exceptionally well. Kudos on a well-written and informative piece—I’ll definitely be implementing your suggestions to enhance my own online presence!

  • David
    | 20 April 2024

    Absolutely agree! Blog posts are crucial for showcasing expertise, building credibility, and engaging potential clients. They’re a powerful tool to share ideas and connect with the audience. Thanks for highlighting their importance!

  • mistrigo
    | 26 June 2024

    Creating the perfect interior design involves blending functionality with aesthetics to reflect personal style and enhance comfort. Every element, from furniture arrangement to color schemes and lighting, plays a crucial role in shaping the atmosphere of a space.

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  • mistrigo
    | 26 June 2024

    Creating the perfect interior design involves blending functionality with aesthetics to reflect personal style and enhance comfort. Every element, from furniture arrangement to color schemes and lighting, plays a crucial role in shaping the atmosphere of a space.
    We provide all types of services.

  • Astyork
    | 1 July 2024

    “I found this article on the importance of blog posts for interior design businesses incredibly insightful! As someone passionate about interior design, I appreciate the practical tips and strategies shared here. It’s clear how effective blogging can be in showcasing expertise and connecting with clients. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights!”

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