You Can Shop on TikTok with This New E-Commerce Feature | Mini News

Did you know that you can now shop on TikTok? TikTok has a new e-commerce feature similar to Instagram shopping. TikTok shopping is currently being tested with big brands like Amazon, Target, and more, but it will be rolled out to smaller creators and influencers as well. Meanwhile, Myspace makes a comeback through a new Instagram feature that allows you to add music to your feed posts.
There may be some of you interior designers out there rolling your eyes when you hear the word TikTok. However, we’ve seen some big brands, real estate agents, and designers take TikTok by storm. There’s a big opportunity for TikTok to be a key extension of your brand. TikTok helps interior design feel more accessible to new users and viewers. Whether you like TikTok or not, this Mini News is for you because TikTok is in the process of launching its in-app e-commerce in the United States. It’s been out in the UK for a bit, but now it’s moving to the US. Think of it like Instagram shopping but on TikTok! Right now, it’s only available to bigger brands like Amazon, Target, and others, but eventually, they’re hoping to roll it out to the smaller creators and influencers. Abby suspects there will be a follower count requirement based on the fact that you can’t have direct links in your bio on TikTok unless you have at least a thousand followers. After this initial testing with bigger brands is complete, smaller accounts should have access to it as well. We’re on TikTok @wingnutsocial – give us a follow!
TikTok tips: We’ve experienced that “talking head” videos aren’t getting us much traction as more original, creative content. It can seem very random what takes off, but from our experience, aesthetically pleasing videos tend to do better, plus videos that use trending audios. Spend 10 minutes a day scrolling through TikTok and if you hear the same audio more than once, try using that audio and see how your video does!
You might have seen this in your feed over the last few days – Instagram has added the capability to add music to your static feed posts. When you’re composing your feed post, there’s an option before hitting share that says “Add music,” and you can add 5 to 90 seconds of a song of your choice to your post. This doesn’t mean that you can skip out on Reels. These are still considered static images. Using this new tool may boost you slightly in the algorithm since they’ve been pushing this feature. Instagram typically rewards users that test their new features. This new feature could also help convey more emotion through your posts to connect with your followers in a new way.
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