How to Get ‘Seriously Happy’ About Your Business Model with Rebecca West
Episode #150 the Wingnut Social Podcast

Rebecca West founded her design firm Seriously Happy Homes in 2007. She is a business coach and the author of the book Happy Starts at Home. She incorporates design psychology with her client’s personal aesthetic to craft a design vision like no other. Your home should be your happy place. To learn more about her innovative business and design model, be sure to listen.
What You’ll Hear On This Episode of Wingnut Social
- [2:20] The upcoming Wingnut Social webinar!
- [5:40] How Rebecca West became a designer
- [7:20] Rebecca’s innovative business model
- [9:06] The budget/money conversation
- [14:50] How she delivers each clients design
- [17:31] What Rebecca’s ideal client looks like
- [22:10] The pricing model Rebecca embraces
- [25:45] How Rebecca handles revisions
- [28:44] Rebecca’s innovative business marketing
- [30:51] How Rebecca handles photographing projects
- [32:30] Rebecca’s design psychology focused book
- [33:35] What up Wingnut! Round
- [39:32] Blooper Reel!
Connect with Rebecca West
- Rebecca’s Design Website
- Seriously Happy Homes on YouTube
- Seriously Happy Homes on Instagram
- Follow Rebecca on Instagram
- Connect with Rebecca on LinkedIn
- Rebecca’s Book: Happy Starts at Home
Resources & People Mentioned
- Wingnut Social Webinar
- Book: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
- Claire Jefford’s Wingut Social Episode
Rebecca’s Seriously Happy Business Model
Rebecca LOVES design. So much so that it is all she offers. Rebecca doesn’t source furniture or do project execution and management—just design. When she launched her design business 13 years ago, she decided she was going to create her own rules. She wanted to focus on design psychology and what made her happy.
The hassle and headache that comes with project execution was NOT her desired role. Rebecca states you couldn’t pay her enough to deal with the stress that comes with execution. So why would she offer a service that she absolutely hates?
Different situations call for different solutions. Rebecca wanted to be able to suggest IKEA furniture, instead of sourcing a designer that may be triple the price. She didn’t want money to be the deciding factor in her work. So she made her own way with her business model.
How Rebecca executes her business model
Rebecca creates a detailed digital file for each of her clients with layouts, dimensions, material lists, products, links to products, etc. Because her clients and their contractors’ source everything themselves, she goes the retail route as often as possible. She leaves all of the final decision-making in the client’s hands. But she’s also available for questions and a helping hand when necessary.
Rebecca fully realizes that her business model isn’t for everyone. Her ideal client is a working professional—frequently in the tech or engineering fields—that aren’t afraid to manage projects. They have disposable income and are thoughtful about how they spend that money. She doesn’t cave when a client asks her to take on the entire project. She doesn’t waste her time on what doesn’t make her happy.
Listen to the whole episode for a laundry-list of helpful information: Rebecca’s pricing model, how she handles the revision process with clients, and the innovative way she markets her business (HINT: It includes Yelp!). Rebecca’s business doesn’t fit your typical mold—but she’s found great success embracing her ‘seriously happy’ mindset.
Connect With Darla & Wingnut Social
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- On Instagram: @WingnutSocial
- Darla’s Interior Design Website
- Check out the Wingnut Social Media Lab Facebook Group!
- 1-877-WINGNUT (connect with us for your social media marketing needs)
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