How to Create Pinterest Pins That Will Go Viral with Shana Heinricy

Episode #082 the Wingnut Social Podcast

Shana is currently Wingnut Social’s director and the genius behind our marketing strategy. She holds a master’s degree in communications and has worked in public relations and communications all of her professional life. She loves the creativity social media affords her while also satisfying her analytical side and need to see consistent results.

What You’ll Hear On This Episode of Wingnut Social

  • [3:00] Shana Heinricy: Director of Wingnut Social
  • [3:55] Breathtaking Tailwind Statistics
  • [8:30] What sets Pinterest apart from other platforms?
  • [10:15] Making the videos and photos searchable
  • [11:40] How an Interior Designer can benefit from Pinterest
  • [13:10] What demographic is on Pinterest?
  • [15:20] Should you create or recycle content?
  • [17:00] What does well on Pinterest?
  • [18:00] How often to post?
  • [19:00] Curating content vs. repinning
  • [21:00] How to get a pin to go viral
  • [25:22] Pinterest ads and promoted pins
  • [31:20] What up Wingnut round

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Resources & People Mentioned

Why is Pinterest neglected as a social media platform?

While Instagram is the current obsession and the #1 social media platform you should be using, you need to add Pinterest into your arsenal. Pins (and now videos) that you post on Pinterest are indexed by Google and will show up under a Google image search. This is huge

Images are the 2nd largest driver of traffic to your website.

So how do you optimize your Pinterest posts to be indexed by Google? It’s all in the details. Your image needs to be titled correctly with your business name and a term that is searchable by Google. Focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and keywords in your caption and remember, unlike Instagram: Everything is searchable on Pinterest.

How to create Pinterest Pins that will go viral

Pinterest is especially valuable for designers who blog or have their own product line. Because—gasp—you can sell directly from Pinterest! Shana says if you fall into those categories, you need to spend a significant amount of time on Pinterest to drive traffic to our products or blogs.

You have to understand that Pinterest is geared toward people experiencing particular life moments. They could be buying and decorating a new house, giving birth to their first child, or planning a wedding. So your keywords need to cater to people immersed in these life moments. Shana says the simplest way to do that is to create pins that will go viral. 

But what type of pin tends to succeed above all others? An infographic. Detailed infographics that stand out have the highest likelihood of going viral. Take the blog post that you want to drive traffic to and find a way to visually represent it in an infographic. If your pin is successful, you can take it and boost it—and watch the traffic to your website soar.

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