How to Get Your Business #1 on Google with Megan Clarke

Episode #044 the Wingnut Social Podcast

Meg is the founder and owner of Clapping Dog Media, a firm that specializes in helping businesses that help people improve their SEO. Her team of SEO all-stars help companies raise their profile and find the right clients for their businesses. And before she became an SEO guru, Meg was a graphic designer, so she knows how to work with creative businesses like interior design firms.

What You’ll Hear On This Episode of Wingnut Social

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Tell Google who you are for the best SEO

Everyone always talks about the Google search algorithm. But what does that actually mean? There are certain factors that Google looks for on your site. Things like how long someone spends on your page, or how often you have fresh content.

And as Meg said on this episode, it’s vital to share your content socially, so you’re getting more eyes on it. And make sure you have your content arranged correctly for Google. As Meg said, Google reads your site like a newspaper. It scans the headlines and the subheadlines, so you need to ensure you have all of that content properly organized.

Google EATs SEO for breakfast

Google has a simple formula for ranking your site: Expertise, Authority and Trust (or EAT). So when you say your website is about something, it has to truly be about it. Clickbait won’t help your SEO. And neither will Google Adwords, actually, except for the opportunity to bring more eyes to your site.

Meg recommends blogging at least a couple times a month to keep your site fresh, and that the posts have to be at least 300 words, but the sweet spot is between 750-1,250. And as she says, it’s better to have one really strong 1,000-word post than it is to have five 250-word posts.

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